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A.P/U.S History Research Guide

Primary Source Research Tips

Tips on finding and using primary sources


To ensure that your source is reliable stick to library databases, government sites, museums and archives to find sources. 
Be knowledgeable about your topic and know what terms were used for your topic during the time you are researching. 
Secondary sources can lead you right to a primary source since secondary sources often cite primary sources. 
Try googling a topic keyword + "papers" or "archive" as this can lead to helpful results. 

Primary Source Research Databases and Sites

Evaluating Primary Sources

When you are analyzing a primary source, remember to ask the following questions and use them in your analysis:


1. What form does the source take and what information does this form give you? 
2. Who is the creator of the source and for what purpose did they create the source?
3. What is the historical context of the source? 
4. Whose voices, opinions, experiences are missing from the source?