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Shakespeare Research Guide

Databases for Shakespeare Research

JSTOR is a digital library that has a wide variety of articles and book chapters on various subjects relating to all the Shakespearean plays. 



Use the Advanced Search feature to easily combine different keywords and focus your search to retrieving more relevant articles. 

Make sure to select CONTENT I CAN ACCESS in the advanced search feature. This way you will NOT be given sources that Prep doesn't have access to.  


The JSTOR Understanding Series is a great resources to find scholarly articles that have incorporated specific quotes from Shakespearean plays, such as Macbeth.  However, in order to get the best out of this feature, you need to have already annotated your own copy of Shakespeare's work to know what you are looking for.  

To use it: 1. Click on the image above. 2. Find your Shakespeare play 3. find the ACT and SCENE where the quote would be found. 4. click on the blue numbers next to the quotes to see the articles/book chapters that have quoted it.