Helpful Tips When Working on a Research Project:
1. Read your assignment carefully. If you don't understand something, ASK YOUR TEACHER. It's better to get clarification early on then to do the project incorrectly.
2. When starting a research project, it's okay to use sites like Wikipedia for basic information. BUT don't stop there. High school research requires you to dig deeper and use library sources which are located in the tab titled Jesuit Research Library Sources.
3. Keep notes of all the information you find and want to use for your research project including, quotes, ideas, and information. Make sure to include the source of the information and the page number, if applicable so you can return to it later on. Our citation and notetaking builder NOODLETOOLS can help you with this.
4. If you feel lost and need help, come see Prep's Librarian, Mrs. Hermeline in the Library, located on the 1st floor of the English building.