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Prep Library Print Catalog

Print Book Catalog

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Prep's Nonfiction Library Books

The Nonfiction books in our library are organized by The Library of Congress Classification System.  The ONLY exception to this is our Biography/Autobiography/Memoir section. The Library of Congress Classification system uses a series of letters and numbers to represent different subject matter. To learn more about how the Library of Congress Classification System works check out this website. Here is some basic information to get you started

Subject Matter  Start of Library of Congress Call Number
Philosophy, Psychology, Religion B
World History and History of Europe D
History of the Americas  E
History of the Americas Continued F
Geography, Anthropology, Recreation (Sports G
Social Sciences (Sociology, Social History, Economics Family and Marriage, Criminology)  H
Political Science J
Law K
Music M
Fine Arts N
Languages and Literature (Literary Criticism)  P
Sciences Q
Medicine R
Agriculture S
Technology T
Military Science U
Naval Science V
Information Resources Z
Biography/Autobiography/Memoir BIO + first few letters of the subject of the biography/autobiography/memoir


Prep's Fiction and Graphic Novel Section

The fiction books in our library are first organized in sections by genre, then within each genre section they are organized by the first few letters of the authors last name. The ONLY exceptions  to this are our comics (DC and Marvel) and MANGA sections.  Our comics section is organized by hero and hero groupings and our Manga section is organized alphabetically by title. 

Prep's Book Genres Library Call Number

AD + first few letters of author's last name

Classics CL+ first few letters of author's last name
Comics (Marvel and DC)  Hero grouping 
Drama Dr + first few letters of author's last name
Dystopian Dy + first few letters of author's last name
Fantasy FA + first few letters of author's last name
Graphic Novels GRA+ first few letters of author's last name
Horror HR + first few letters of author's last name
Humor HU+ first few letters of author's last name
Manga MA+ first few letters of book title
Military MI+ first few letters of author's last name
Poetry PO+ first few letters of author's last name
Realistic Fiction RF+ first few letters of author's last name
Science Fiction SF+ first few letters of author's last name
Sports Fiction  SP+ first few letters of author's last name
Story Collection SC+ first few letters of editor's last name
Thriller TH+ first few letters of author's last name